Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekend discoveries

I think I've definitely started to feel the baby.  I've read for the past few weeks that "any day now" I would feel the first "flutters" of the baby moving around.  All the books and newsletters said that I may not even realize it's the baby the first few times it happens.  Well, they were right... The first time, a few nights ago, I wasn't totally sure if it was the baby or just my wackadoodle stomach playing tricks on me.  But now I'm pretty sure it's most definitely the baby.  It feels almost like popcorn popping and I only feel it every once in a while. It's pretty cool.  I can only really notice the flutters when I'm lying down and relaxing... I can't really feel it otherwise.  I like the reminder that he or she is still in there.  It's easy to forget when I'm puking and feeling terrible that there's a reason for it - I'm growing a baby!  Up until now I've just had to assume that the little one is still alive and well and it's hard to be patient and wait to hear the heartbeat at my monthly doctor appointments.

Also, I weighed myself today... I know I'm supposed to be gaining weight to support the pregnancy but it's still really hard to watch the numbers on the scale climb.  Based on the numbers, I think I'm totally on track from a weight gain perspective - adding weight at a healthy rate, but it still hurts to see those rising numbers and I wonder if I'll ever be able to lose it.  I had always planned on working out during my pregnancy and I have made it to the gym a few times, but I've been so sick and tired, I haven't been able to be as active as I'd hoped. 

This weekend I discovered that my husbands t-shirts fit me much better now than mine do.  Recently, whenever I put my sweats on and throw on a tee, I've noticed the tee only covers half my belly.  Not a good look.  So I dipped into hubbies tee stash and things are working out much better.

A week from tomorrow is our anatomy scan appointment. I CAN'T WAIT to see how much the baby has progressed since our last scan at 11.5 weeks.  I would imagine that the little one is going to be so much bigger!!  During this appointment we not only get to examine all of the baby's organs and assess his or her health but we also get to find out if it's a boy or girl (pending the cooperation of the fetus, of course).  I'm sooooo excited for this.  Hubby and I were talking about it this morning and I think we've finally settled on one boy name and one girl name that we both like!! Thank the lord.  We still have months to figure out names and make up our minds definitively, but I was getting worried that he and I would never agree on even one name... I would throw out a reasonable name selection and he would come back to me with something like, "What do you think about Randy Jackson?"  Ayiyi...

Well, yesterday was pretty sucky overall, so I'm thinking that today will be a good day... Getting sick really has turned into an every other day thing... One day I puke and feel terrible, the next day I'm ok...

1 comment:

  1. So fantastic that you're starting to feel fetal flutters!
