Thursday, April 7, 2011


On Monday we have our 20 week anatomy scan. First and foremost, the ultrasound is to examine the baby and see if he or she is healthy and developing properly. As part of the scan we will also likely learn the sex of the baby.  I have been met with mixed responses from people regarding my strong desire to learn the sex of the baby. People have responded with, "It's the ultimate surprise in life... Why would you want to ruin it??"

I do not understand this thinking. I will enjoy the surprise of this news very much on Monday! I mean, there's a 50/50 chance of it being a boy or girl, so how surprised can a person really be???  They tell me it's a monkey - THAT'S a surprise.

My feeling is just... Why not learn this news when I am clear minded and not dealing with a slew of other surprises?? I feel like labor and delivery are full of surprises (SURPRISE - your vagina is torn to bits, SURPRISE - your baby's head is shaped like a cone (for now), SURPRISE - you're now a parent and responsible for another human's well being!)  Also, being the organized planner that I am, knowing the sex I am able to plan a nursery / color scheme and finalize my name selection...

Also, something else to think about... Guess what would be the ultimate surprise??? If the ultrasound tech is wrong and then we get the biggest surprise of our lives in the delivery room!  Can't beat that!!  And yeah, I would have to return some things, but no big deal!

All in all, it's every couples choice to find out.  I'm just not sure I fully understand the "It's the ultimate surprise in life... Why would you want to ruin it??" argument.  A surprise is a surprise is a surprise, no matter when it happens.