Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Brain is Broken

I haven't really felt well today even though I've been eating all day (and took a kytril).  Maybe I just had too much fun yesterday eating my yummy Vietnamese lunch and then catching up with my good friend from college last night.  It's like every day I take a step forward, I always end up inevitably taking a step back the next day.

Also, today is the first day I've really suffered from "pregnancy brain."  I'd heard about it, joked about it before, but didn't truly understand what it was until today.   

It's super bizarre.   I feel like I can't really focus or articulate what I'm thinking... This has never happened to me before.  I have lots of thoughts... And I want to express them... I just feel like I can't get them out in a smart, succinct way...

And with that... this blog entry is over.