Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm back!

First off, I need to apologize for the "thin" communication.  Things have gotten so busy that blogging took a backseat and then it turned into one of those things where I felt like I've fallen so far behind with my updates that I would never catch you all up on everything.  But tonight, I decided it was time to face you... I thought about making excuses... I have pregnancy induced carpal tunnel, which makes typing much less fun and easy... but honestly, that would be a lie... While my little sausage fingers are swollen and sore (and I can't wear my rings anymore :(), I can still type (will find out when I see the doc this week if it's really carpal tunnel or not!).

I am now 36.5 weeks pregnant, which means I am super close to the end!  I can't believe he's almost here.  On Saturday, I will be considered "full term," which means that if little Brady were to be born, he wouldn't even be considered pre-term or early.   If you ask me, it's super confusing why they call you full term at 37 weeks when pregnancy is supposedly 40 weeks... but oh well... Besides being quite large, I am feeling pretty good.  Haven't puked in weeks... I have the typical 9th month swelling and back pain, but otherwise things are ok... I'm not sleeping that well, but I think that's to be expected given my size and everything going on in my life right now!

This past weekend, we moved.  We are all settled into our new apartment!  My mother-in-law was kind enough to be my partner in crime during the move since hubby had to work.  We just hung out while the movers packed and for the most part, everything went smoothly!  And after we got all of the boxes and furniture inside the apartment, my brother and his girlfriend came over to help us do the deed of unpacking.  By Sunday, we had gotten rid of all of the boxes and the apartment was pretty much finished, besides the shopping I need to do for decorative items, etc... I love the new place.  It's pretty awesome.  Much bigger than the old place, a ton more storage space and it feels really homey to me.  The only slight hitch is that they ripped up the carpet on our floor (in the hallway) because they are replacing it, but that means that every time you walk into our apartment you track in all types of dust... It drives me a bit insane because we have black wood plank floors so you can see all of the dirt.  And since I'm nesting, I can't seem to get things clean enough... but my back has been killing me, so the constant vacuuming  is painful.  But I have been assured by the building that they will be laying down the carpet soon!  I also really like the 'hood... much more than I thought I would.  There are tons of restaurants right around the corner and it has a very Euro feel (and it's not just all of the tourists gawking at the NYSE).  It's the cobblestone streets, narrow walkways, architecture and the history... We're living in old NY.

Anyways, back to the apartment.  This weekend we are setting up the nursery.  I can't wait!  My mom will be driving in all of the gifts we received at the shower (I left everything in NJ because of the move).  I already started washing some of Brady's clothes (with his special baby detergent) and I'm just getting so excited to bring him home.  I know that life will never be the same once he is born and that I should be enjoying my last couple of weeks of independence... going to movies, out to eat, seeing friends, etc... But, it's hard to contain my excitement.  I really like spending time in the new place and just cleaning, organizing and getting things ready for my new life as a mommy!  All of his furniture has been delivered accept for the crib, which should be here in about two weeks.  I'm not too concerned because those first few nights he is going to sleep in a bassinet anyway.  He will be so tiny, I feel like he would get lost in a crib!  The furniture is awesome... I love it!  Was a good choice.  Despite the cribgate fiasco, we ended up with furniture we love.  Our stroller is also on the way... Once that arrives, we will have just about everything we need!  I can't believe it. 

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