Monday, August 15, 2011

No rhyme or reason

I am so confused by what's going on with my body right now... The past two days I've felt crappy.  Was super tired/lethargic, ridiculously swollen/achy, not feeling well and pretty grumpy.  Then today I woke up all spritely, in a good mood, feeling decent and just wide awake (even now at 12:15am and without a nap!)  I just don't understand what's happening.  There is absolutely no rhyme or reason.  Oh well, I guess that's going to be the name of the game for my life moving forward...

I keep waffling between feelings of excitement and anxiety over labor and life post-hospital.  I mean, I can't wait to meet Brady!  Dying to just see him!!!  But then I think about labor... when is it going to start?  how's it going to go down?  I'm pretty rational, so I know that it's silly to worry about these things... It's just going to happen how it happens... but, it's just such an unknown ... I didn't realize that the start of labor is such a medical mystery... Nobody knows why it starts, so there is nothing that anybody can tell me about when it's going to happen or how it's going to play out.  I'm too Type A for this...

What I do know is that my belly is absolutely HUGE!  When I think it can't get any bigger, it does... But somehow this little (or not so little) guy still moves around!  He is pretty active, which can get painful sometimes... All of the emails I get from the various pregnancy websites say he's the size of a watermelon, but honestly, I've never seen a watermelon as big as my stomach (not even those ones we used to fill up with vodka in college)... I don't even know what I would equate this belly to.  And my hands are like little paws... My little fingers look more like sausages stuffed in casings!  My husband claims that my face looks the same (not swollen) but I don't really believe him...

This weekend we went and bought a new camera... This is a purchase we have been deliberating for quite some time.  We couldn't decide between a DSLR or a high quality compact point and shoot. We heard arguments for both, did tons of research and ultimately decided that since we have a point and shoot already, it was time to get a nice, high quality DSLR to really capture amazing photos of the little man.  They have such faster shutter speeds and we want to be sure we don't miss any of the adorable faces he is going to make!  The challenge with the DSLR is figuring out how to use it.  We got the Nikon D5100 and it's no joke!  Hubby is already much better with it than I am, but we've both had a great time figuring it out and hopefully by the time Brady arrives, we will have it down cold!  The only problem is that all hubby seems to be shooting is me and my bulbous belly (nothing much else to shoot in our apartment and it rained all day today)... It really does look ridiculous... Kind of like someone stuffed a Santa suit under my clothes!

I'm gonna go and try to get some sleep... wish me luck!

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