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Fetus Porn: Definitely a boy!!! |
The day started off pretty rocky... I didn't sleep well. Woke up at 1am starving and munched on cheerios for a few hours. Then I couldn't fall back to sleep until 4am!! I slept until about 8 and then got up and puked. I had a feeling it was going to happen today... Morning sickness / nerves / excitement don't mix!
After eating a pop tart, some pineapple and a babybel we were off to the hospital. I was not in good spirits... super tired and cranky.
We met up with our mom's at the hospital and sat in the waiting room until they called me in. We went into the exam room and they propped me up on the table and covered my belly with warm gel. Our ultrasound tech first asked if we wanted to know the sex, to which I said, hell yes! An image starts to come into view and I begin by asking - Is that the arm??? And she says, no, that's the penis. My mouth drops to the floor... We all start howling with laughter (to the point where nurses came by and told us to be quiet!) I'm completely shocked... I never anticipated that there was a little baby penis growing inside of me... That just sounds so sci fi! I also wasn't really expecting to learn the sex so early on in the scan.
We also quickly learned that HE is 12 oz which is totally healthy for his age. My husband quickly says, that's the size of a beer... Our technician points out ... only a can of beer. Our little Bud!
The next hour was spent literally examining our little guy from head to toe... Brain, heart, stomach, spine, arms, legs, you name it... we saw it... They took over 75 images for the doctor to examine! And during the whole exam, he was moving around, rubbing his eyes, opening his mouth, clapping his hands together. It was very cool to see him so animated. He was very shy about showing us his face and our tech was awesome and tried really really hard to make it happen for us (and because she needed some measurements). At one point she even turned the machine onto its 4-D setting (which she wasn't supposed to do) and those images were REALLY COOL... you could see everything!! By the third try she was able to get a profile pic so we could see our little man. He's very handsome... has a tiny nose and what looks like big eyes (like his mama!) His arms and legs are so cute and tiny (and now I have a visual of what's poking and kicking when it comes to all of that movement I've been feeling).
After the tech was finished, the doctor came in and examined everything one last time giving Baby Boy Byrd a clean bill of health. What a a relief! We sent our mom's back to NJ, the hubby went off to work and I went home to share the good news with our loved ones. I planned to take a nap but spent the next few hours scanning ultrasound photos and talking to assorted friends and family.
Next up, I had my monthly OB appointment... It was pretty uneventful! Pretty much the usual... I peed in a cup, had my BP taken (good) and was weighed (gained 6lbs, which is right on track). The doctor said that most of the major tests are behind me, which I can't believe... Up until now it's been like holding my breath in between tests, but I guess now I can relax a little bit! My appointment for next month is going to be a little harder than usual... I'll be doing the glucose test which means I can't eat from midnight onward... Then I have to go into her office, get blood drawn, drink something and then sit there for two hours to see what happens (or something like that)... Sounds pretty crappy given that when I don't eat I feel so sick, but hopefully in a month that won't be the case!!!
After the OB I crashed... It was alot of excitement for one day and I am completely exhausted!! I was hoping to get a little baby shopping in today but the best I could do was a little online shopping. Baby Boy Byrd Greene got his first pair of booties today!!!
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Baby Byrd Greene's First Pair of Hockey Skates |