I went to the doctor today and my BP is good, weight is on track and Brady's heartbeat is strong. I'm still only dilated 1cm, but again, that means nothing... I'm measuring at 39 weeks and the doctor is guessing that he's about 7+lbs. She felt around my belly and all she could say, was, wow, you're all baby! It's pretty wild. When you feel my stomach, all you feel is this giant, super rock hard mass...I have no other pregnant bellies to compare it to, but based on the doctor's reaction I can only guess that other bellies have some softer spots where baby isn't occupying...
Granted, doctors can often be "off" when it comes to estimating the weight, but I just have a feeling that she's not and he's not going to be a little pipsqueak like me and my brother were (both in the 6lb+ range). I'm thinking that he's going to cook for another week or so, which means he's only going to get bigger...
Today was a tired day... All day I was pretty fatigued. I actually passed out at about 8pm. I woke back up at around 10:30 and now I'm wide awake having some cereal and watching tv. It's so funny... every day when I'm up in the night like this, I open the fridge and I see the eggs and milk staring back at me with their expiration dates emblazoned on the side... The milk expires on the 23rd and the eggs on the 27th (my due date). I stare at them and wonder, what will happen first, will this milk expire or will Brady arrive? It's odd for me to think about the fact that the next eggs and milk we buy will have an expiration date past the time when Brady will likely be here...
The doctor told me that they won't let me go past 42 weeks and if he doesn't come naturally by 41 weeks, they will induce me. I have my weekly doc appointment scheduled for next Wed and if he doesn't arrive by Friday, I have a follow-up appointment at the hospital to get a biophysical and non stress test, which is basically an in-depth sonogram to make sure the baby is ok, I have enough fluid, etc... That's when they would determine if I need to be induced earlier than 41 weeks.
At this point, I feel like my life is set to that jeopardy music... do do, do do, do do, do, do do, do do, do, dododododo... Just waiting for the answer (i.e. baby) to be revealed!
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