Saturday, July 23, 2011

Our lucky little guy

It's been a busy few weeks, which is why I haven't been posting nearly as often as I'd like.  I will catch you up on what's been going on and try to keep it brief...

First off, hubby quit his job.  So, the awful commuting to Connecticut is now over!  YAY!  He starts his new job on July 25, so we've spent the last week or so getting ready for baby and for the move downtown. There have been many trips to The Container Store, West Elm, CB2, Buy Buy Baby, Bed Bath and Beyond, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, Home Depot, Benjamin Moore, etc... you get the drift.  We're trying to get things purchased and/or ordered so that we can get the apartment setup quick, just in case little Brady decides to make an early appearance.   Also, since our movers are also going to be packing us up, we wanted to make sure that we weren't taking lots of crap with us (since usually we do our purging during the packing process).  We've spent the last week going through every nook and cranny of our apartment, deciding what should move on to the new apartment, what should go into storage (i.e. our parents houses in NJ) and what is just garbage... Me, my label maker and my nesting instinct have been a bit of an animal about this whole situation... Our apartment is more organized and neat then it ever was, which is kind of disappointing since we vacate in a week!  I just wanted things to be organized so that when the movers come in, it will be easy for them to group things together and I can just focus on hovering and labeling boxes.  Since hubby will be in his first week of work, his mom will be coming into the city to assist me in the hovering and labeling process...

We also decided to paint the new apartment... something we've never done before.  Living in NYC and moving every few years, it just never seemed worth the expense to paint.  But since we're in our 30s and with child, we felt it was time to create a home.  Lucky for me, hubby has been an active participant in this process, because picking paint colors is HARD!  We've gone to the paint store a million times, bringing swatches of our bedding and furniture to try and find just the right colors... It's just so hard to look at those little chips and imagine a room of that color.  We finally decided on three colors, kangaroo for the living room (beige-ish), azores for the baby room (blue green) and shale for the master bedroom (a mushroomy color).  We got the paint delivered and hired our buildings maintenance man to actually do the painting. (When I said, "we decided to paint," I hope you didn't think that meant us... we don't know how to do that stuff!)  Apparently, the apartment has been painted, but because the heat index in NYC is over 110 degrees and the air quality is supposedly horrific, I'm not able to go downtown to check it out, which is killing me... I'm dying to know what the colors look like on the wall, with our apartments lighting, etc...

Because of this extreme heat, I'm forced to do the rest of my apartment shopping online... which is ok, but not nearly as fun as seeing things up close and personal, in-store... I've literally spent the past two days just ordering things from everywhere under the sun so that things arrive exactly in line with our move-in date!  I've also been doing the change of address stuff and trying to figure out what I still need for the baby.

This past weekend, my mom hosted my shower.  It was awesome!  Really really nice.  40 of our friends and family joined us at a restaurant in NJ.  My friend, A, was very involved in the planning process and did an amazing job helping with the party decor and games.  There was an adorable clothesline filled with babywear, a stork in each table centerpiece, a little tree where guests were asked to write their well wishes for me, hubby and Brady, a fabulous diaper cake and fortune cookie favors.  It was truly fabulous!

Clothesline with Little Clothes
Centerpieces with Blue Stork
Wishing Well Tree

Diaper Cake

Fortune Cookie Favors

It was so nice to see everyone... Since becoming pregnant, I really haven't seen anyone, so it was nice to have so many family and friends gathered in one place.  It was a bit overwhelming, but I was completely floored by the generosity of everyone in the room.  We got such a tremendous amount of gifts for little Brady.  Toys, clothes, necessities... It was SO SO SO nice and I am so grateful to be bringing our little boy into such a warm and welcoming group of people.  He's a lucky little guy!!

More catchup in the next post!

1 comment:

  1. The baby shower was so creative and entertaining. Kudos to everyone involved in the planning and execution.
