Friday, April 1, 2011


I have a new obsession... TOMS.  As you've read here, I've been a bit challenged in the wardrobe department since my belly grew in.  Well, something I have not yet touched on is footwear.  I really like cute shoes but comfort is also of paramount importance to me.  Living in NYC you are forced to deal with the elements every day which means you also need shoes that are tough and can withstand the crazy and unpredictable weather. 

Now that it's officially spring and we have had a few warm days I've had to assess my warm-ish weather shoe situation.  I'm thinking that flats are probably my best bet since my equilibrium is off a bit now and I'm a little more "middle-heavy." They're pretty comfortable and stylish... I typically prefer something with a slight heel because of my small stature, but flats seem to make the most sense given my travel and comfort needs.  I have two pairs of flats from last year and on the first semi-warm day I try them both on... They both seem to squeeze my feet a little bit more than I remember... I ignore the slight discomfort thinking, I've been in boots for so long, my feet aren't used to a snug fitting shoe... Well, by the end of the day, my tootsies are on fire.  I think my feet may have grown or expanded... Perhaps another pregnancy symptom?? 

Feeling ever so discouraged, I start digging through my closet for an answer and all of a sudden the sun comes out and the clouds part and I discover a pair of TOMS.  I put them on and think, I'll give this a try.  They're cute and definitely comfortable thanks to the support they provide (unlike most other flats).  Yes!!  I've found shoes that will get me through the next couple of months.  AND, on top of being functional and cute, the whole premise behind TOMS is that once you buy a pair, they donate a pair to a child in need.  That sounds like a wonderful, motherly thing, so I am quite pleased with my closet discovery... My PR / marketing brain starts going into overdrive and I really think they have an angle here to go after pregnant ladies...

What other flats:
Are wide enough to accommodate your expanding feet (and they stretch!) 
Are canvas, so machine washable (nice for when you puke on them)
Come in a variety of stylish colors and patterns
Are affordable (at $45)
Provide support and seem to be able to withstand the NYC streets
AND allow you to give back in an oh-so-motherly way because of their One to One shoe donation program

I dare you to find another shoe who can top that...

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