Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Little Tripod Has Taught Me My First Lesson

I gotta admit, I'm still in shock that we're having a boy!  Which is crazy... I knew there was a 50/50 chance but thanks to all of the old wives tales (which I'm now convinced are TOTAL bullshit), I was really convinced it was a girl.  I want it to be clear though, that I am just as happy to know it's a boy as a girl... I actually don't know any little girls (everyone around me has adorable little boys!)

You may be thinking... Well, you don't sound that happy... But to be honest, I think it's because imagining a girl was much easier for me.  I know girls.  I am a girl.  They are quiet and contemplative, mature, love to read and play quietly, etc... (Once they hit puberty, forget it, they're a nightmare... but my mind didn't go there yet).  I guess I always envisioned my kid to be a mini version of me (especially since it's growing in my belly)... What does a mini boy version of me look like? Yikes! 

I think this is a good lesson for me to be learning before I can do any damage to the kid!  My assumption that my kid would be a mini version of me goes against everything I already know... I'm not a mini version of either of my parents... I'm a delightful combination of their best and worst qualities... And yes, I bear a resemblance to them, but I am by no means a spitting image of either.  What in the world would make me think that my little one would be this mini version of me??? It's kind of odd... My rational side knows much better than that... Also, there are some things about me that I would "prefer" not to pass on to my progeny and there are many of my husband's qualities that I would definitely want our little one to possess.  So, all in all, I guess I hadn't really thought this all through... I just had this weirdo fantasy that our kids would be little versions of me and we would all live happily ever after! 

I think my husband is pretty thrilled that our first born will be a boy.  I could be wrong, and I know he's just happy that the baby is healthy, but I'm guessing he feels much more connected to this pregnancy now than before - it's more real... In the same way that I "get" girls... I can imagine it's much easier for him to imagine a little boy... This makes me really happy because all in all I think the fathers-to-be can feel pretty left out during pregnancy... I mean, the baby is with me at all times... I can feel the baby (he can't, for now) and he can escape to his pre-pregnancy life (going out with his friends for a night and boozing, etc...) while I can't (too tired, can't drink, etc...). Now while the fetus and I are running around living my life he can imagine his life with his little boy once he's born - going to Giant's games, buying him his first pair of hockey skates, etc... I think that's all pretty cool.

Before I bring this entry to a close I want to bring up one final point... alot of people have been saying things to me like, I knew it (about the baby being a boy)!!! BULL!  You didn't know it any better than I did!  You guessed right and I guessed wrong.  Yeah, I said it.


  1. That's a lie. I knew it was a boy the whole time and when you asked me how I told you... gut feeling. Sometimes your friends know you better than you think. I cant wait to meet him. xx

  2. yeah, yeah, yeah... my gut is bigger than your gut and it told me a girl!!
