Since becoming pregnant one thing I've noticed is that people on the street look at my belly first, then my face (similar to the way a well endowed female may experience guys looking at her boobs before her face). This happens to me every day on my way to work. People look at the belly, smile a bit, then look at the rest of me and I can tell they're not sure how to feel about it.
I look much younger than my 30 years. When I get a manicure the ladies always ask me how old I am because they are shocked I'm married (as evidenced by the rings on my finger)... They think I'm 18. I'm not complaining... This is definitely something I will appreciate as I get older...
Now let me paint the picture of me walking to work... Me and my 5ft of fury saunter down the street with my 18 year old baby face, belly in full view... Passersby see the belly and they start to smile... Then, they look at my face... She looks young, but ok... Then, they notice the backpack... That's when they start thinking, "Ohhhh, this poor young knocked up 16 year old..." I can see the pity in their faces! "What a tough life for her and her baby..."
With shows like 16 and pregnant on TV, this reaction doesn't surprise me... I can't imagine being that young with a child (hence the reason I waited until 30 for my first).
I've been toying with the idea of getting a t-shirt made... "I'm 30, you can smile" and fine print could include, "And if you really must know, I have a good job and a loving husband. Don't worry about me, I'm gonna be A-ok (besides my sore back, which is why I wear the hideously uncool backpack)!"
I love this post. Keep it up Byrd.