After feeling quite spritely all day yesterday I thought things were looking up! Well, at around 6pm, the clouds formed and nausea struck... I tried to eat to make it go away - a bag of popcorn, jar of apple sauce, PBJ - but had no success... It was pretty disappointing, but not altogether unexpected. I kept eating - a quesadilla, chocolate covered almonds - and then just decided at 9pm I should call it a night... If I was sleeping, I couldn't be puking.
I got into bed, took my ginormous Citra-natal pre-natal (anti-nausea, yeah right) vitamin, cuddled up to my snoogle and pulled out my kindle to read a little "What to Expect..." What did I learn? My baby is the size of a sweet potato (though other sources claimed it was a turnip and an onion) and that apparently that weird line that's formed on my belly is normal. In fact, that the line only goes from my belly button down is an indication that I may have a little girl on my hands... Apparently pregnant gals having little boys have a line that extends above the belly button. Who knows??? I will find out in 2.5 short weeks when we have our anatomy scan appointment. I passed out, kindle in hand, just like every other night.
Woke up this morning to nausea and decided I didn't have the energy to fight it today... I have to go into the office, battle a NYC spring snow storm and even have a lunch meeting (PIZZA!!). So, I took the kytril and my B6 and ate my Luna (lemon zest is the best) and now I'm showered and off to work...
Wish me luck!
Line, schmine. I still think you're having a boy. We'll see!